Catalog and Order Form Download
Note about the catalog
-The last 2 pages found on the downloadable catalog are not items that need to have a 15% added. Please calculate them separately on the order form.
-There is so many non food items in the catalog, that it is hard to find the food items you are looking for. To jump straight to the bulk foods supply, these are the brands you want to look for.
CO Nolts
Dutch Valley
Frankferd Farms
Golden Harvest
Heritage Acres
Natural Way Mills
Red Star
United Bulk
Note about order form
-Please include brand name and item number on the order form
-You do not have to calculate online fees if you are paying online, as our website automatically makes the adjustment. DO NOT CIRCUMVENT ONLINE PAYMENT FEES! We are barely making anything off of your order. If we get stuck paying the online fees, it sticks us with paying a portion of your order. Our website payment page is up and running and working for everyone. You can pay online here:
-Items highlighted green are items we sell in our store that are available outside of the buying club in smaller portions.
The schedule for the upcoming delivery is as follows.
If there is any questions or problems navigating the new catalog, please reach out. Thank you all.